
APE 2023: Actual Programs

After three years of virtual absence, we look forward to meet again in person, and indeed, we have lots of things to discuss.

Embracing the New: What are the greatest opportunities to achieve a scholarly communications system built for the 21st century? Almost 20 years after the ‘Berlin Declaration on Open Access’ we are in a very intensive transition process.

Here is a small sneak preview of what we are going to talk about in January:

Caroline Sutton, STM’s CEO, has invited Judy Verses (Elsevier), Rachel Burley (APS), Guido Herrmann (Wiley), Harsh Jegadeesan (Springer Nature) and Damian Pattinson (eLife) for a Leadership Panel.

Prof. Jörg Rocholl, President of ESMT, will present a Keynote: ‘Sustainable Transformation is the Key to Thriving in Disruptive times’.

Our Sessions and Panels will focus on innovation, technology and infrastructure, trust in research integrity, climate action, accessibility & sustainability. The APE Lecture will be about ‘The Journal of Impossible Results’. And, of course, like every year, there will be new Dotcoms to Watch!

Our new venue in the city center, the ESMT, offers great opportunities for networking. The Conference Dinner will be in the ‘Gendarmerie’. Please note: seating is limited.

Share the word: APE is the First Event in the New year!
You can register for your tickets here: APE 2023: Tickets

For more information about the APE 2023 Full Conference, the Symposium ‘At the Crossroads’, the Mission Statement, the Program, the Program Committee, the APE Award, the Venue and all latest news, check out our new website:


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