
River Valley announces two-way integration of its submission system, ReView, with the bioRxiv preprint server

Authors of biology and biomedical papers can now choose to submit to a journal directly from bioRxiv, as well as to submit to bioRxiv automatically from a journal, thanks to the “two-way” integration of River Valley’s ReView platform with bioRxiv’s systems.

The automated acceptance of papers from bioRxiv (B2J) has already been available in ReView for some time. With the latest implementation (J2B), any publisher using ReView as their submission and peer review platform can opt to allow authors to submit their papers as a preprint to bioRxiv, simultaneously with submission to the journal, with no extra effort.

River Valley’s Kaveh Bazargan said: “bioRxiv is one of the most popular preprint servers. ReView’s two-way integration simplifies submissions to and from bioRxiv. We have worked hand in hand with bioRxiv’s technical team to complete the integration.”

John Inglis, co-founder of bioRxiv said: “We are delighted that this most recent integration between submission systems extends the options available to authors of scientific papers. The transfer of manuscripts into and out of bioRxiv is an immensely popular feature of the server and it has been a pleasure to work with River Valley’s team to bring the underlying technologies to even more journals”.

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