
DFG Launches Cooperation with the OAPEN Foundation

Funded OA books available in OAPEN Library from spring onwards Information event on 14 March 2023

At the beginning of this year, the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation) concluded a service level agreement for the use of the OAPEN Library as a repository for DFG-funded open access books. From spring 2023 onwards, the library will contain monographs and anthologies funded through the Open Access Publication Funding programme and produced in connection with DFG research funding. Furthermore, OA publications from funded research projects will be available that contain funding acknowledgements and have been reported by the academic publishers participating in the OAPEN Library.

The library will also provide access to the metadata of publications in the Directory of Open Access Books (DOAB) as discovery service. By consolidating funded book publications on a centralised basis, the DFG aims to improve the visibility, discoverability and long-term archiving of research results generated by its funding in order to promote transparency.


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