
Brill Signs Agreements with FID Philosophie for E-Book Purchase and Digitization Project

Brill, the international scholarly publisher, signed agreements with the Fachinformationsdienst (FID) Philosophie (Specialised Information Service (SIS) Philosophy) for an E-Book purchase of 1900 titles, and to collaborate on a digitization project of over 1300 titles from the publisher’s book archive.

The FID Philosophie’s goal is to simplify and optimise access to specialist literature and research-relevant information for philosophical science. The first of its kind, the partnership includes titles under the imprints of Brill, Ferdinand Schöningh, Wilhelm Fink and mentis, increasing their accessibility to the broader scholarly community.

The digitized titles will be available on the FID Philosophie platform to their community, as well as on, where they will be available for purchase to institutions and individuals worldwide. The purchased E-Books will be accessible to the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Philosophie (DGPhil) and Gesellschaft für Analytische Philosophie (GAP) societies via

“In the Humanities books can have a high relevance even after decades. This is one of the reasons why we are very excited about this special cooperation with the FID Philosophie. We will not only make a large collection of recent E-Books available to its patrons, but digitize more than 1300 titles from Brill’s book archive. Step by step our backlist will come to life again. Customers world-wide will get a chance to complete their collections and discover our top sellers from the past,” says Jasmin Lange, Chief Publishing Officer at Brill.

“The FID programme of the DFG funds the establishment and expansion of specialised information services to enable researchers of all disciplines – including Philosophy – to access specialised literature and research-specific information quickly and directly, irrespective of work location. The FID Philosophie would like to establish in the area of monographs a model in which a classical license is combined with making backlist titles available for the scientific community. We consider it a great success that we were able to conclude a model contractual agreement with Brill, a leading publisher for the subject of Philosophy”, says Prof. Dr. Andreas Speer, Co-Lead of the FID Philosophie, University of Cologne.

For more information about the agreement, contact Eva Wantzen, Brill’s Sales Manager | BrillOnline Europe via For more information about the digitization project, contact Lauren Danahy, Acquisitions Editor at Brill, via

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