
Barcamp Open Science. Die Registrierung ist seit dieser Woche möglich

The Barcamp Open Science (21 September, Berlin/online, #oscibar) enters its ninth year in 2023. Does that make us a relic from the pre- and early days of Open Science? People talked about “Science 2.0” back then, but there was no talk of research data policies and global climate justice at all…

This much is clear: our Barcamp is more urgent than ever. Because: What is the “Open” answer to the platform monopolism of Elsevier and Co, to DEAL negotiations, but also to the climate crisis and poor working conditions in the lab? (To our colleagues from Germany: #IchbinHanna and #IchbinReyhan, anyone?) To proprietary hardware in the lab, misinformed evaluation criteria, and many more issues?

The Barcamp Open Science 2023 offers no ready answers, but inspiration, activists, and the space to find answers, together. Free registration starts today – we look forward to seeing you in Berlin (or online) – whether for the umpteenth time or for the first time!


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